![YouTube Preview Image](http://img.youtube.com/vi/6bCK5cNdP2M/0.jpg)
Feminist movement FEMEN attacked neo-Nazis protest during the day of Jeanne d'Arc in Paris. FEMEN Sextremists hang a 10 meters red banner with the slogan "SEXTERMINATION FOR NAZISM". They secretly occupied one of the buildings connected to the square where the demonstration took place.
![YouTube Preview Image](http://img.youtube.com/vi/AfYvT5AAEes/0.jpg)
FEMEN Sextremists dazzled the crowd with white smoke on one of the central square of Paris surrounded by Nazis, as a symbol of cleaning up Europe from right wing that are increasing their numbers and spreading values of hate and inequality between humans.
![YouTube Preview Image](http://img.youtube.com/vi/7lE0vHXgL70/0.jpg)
FEMEN propose a radical SEXTERMINATION for NAZISM. Racism, homophobia, fascism that are shared by dirty words of Nazis leaders will be pointed and stopped by sex attacks of FEMEN. Nazism has no home and we won't let them spread their hate on our nations. Our naked war will stop them! Nazi, your time is finished, Neo-Feminism is watching you! Sextermination is coming! FEMENism against NATIONALism!
![YouTube Preview Image](http://img.youtube.com/vi/iG-8MrEIiNI/0.jpg)
Quatre militantes du groupe féministe des Femen ont fait une apparition torse nu sur un balcon surplombant une manifestation de groupes d'extrême droite en hommage à Jeanne d'Arc dimanche 12 mai à Paris, provoquant l'ire des manifestants.
Short link:
Copy - http://brief.ly/~SESri$5k