FEMEN's angel of Death held a mono-protest on the altar of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in the same place of yesterday's suicide fascist. On the body of sekstremist with the gun was written the prophetic motto "May fascism rest in hell." Thus FEMEN calls upon all European Nazism in the face of all their underhitlers and halfmussolini to follow the example of the ultra-right man Wenner and immediately commit a suicide, thereby permanently exclude theirselves from the political arena in Europe. Hurry, on the sacrificial altar of Notre-Dame de Paris is not so much space!
FEMEN calls for society to condemn the immoral act of moronic grandfather, who made his rotten brain in front of an audience of fifteen hundred of which were women and children! FEMEN calls the cathedral to check an inventory of property for damage and to sue the French nationalist leader Marine Le Pen, warmly supported this public suicide.
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