Hollande, you cannot negotiate with terrorists! 3/7/2013

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On the day before the trip of the French President Francois Hollande to Tunisia sextremists of FEMEN came to the Champs-Elysees in a barbed-wire bras. FEMEN Tunisian ex prisoners Marguerite and Pauline call the President Hollande for release of Amina and for overthrowing of Islamist Larayed! The Tunisian Government is a terrorist group! Every Tunisian political prisoner is a hostage, for whose release the state is demanding money and political loyalty from the EU! Money that are Received from democratic countries terrosrists Islamists are using for a war against civilization spreading their Sharias dogmas, stoning and throughing acid in the face of freedom!
We call Europe to stop sponsoring islamists. Hollande, you cannot negotiate with terrorists, they should be destroyed, as it is the case in today's Turkey and Egypt!
FREE Amina immediately!

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