Breast feed revolution. Brussels for Amina.

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In the capital of the European Union in Brussels near the Embassy of Tunisia the action of support for Tunisian prisoners was done by the movement FEMEN. Five sextemists FEMEN Belgium with written slogans on the posters and bodies: "Free Amina", "Free Josephine!", "Free Pauline!", "Free Marguerite!", "Breast feed revolution!" Sextremists have made the action the embassy of the Republic of Tunisia. They placed the banner "Women's Revolution is coming!" FEMEN activists have written on the wall of the embassy "FREE Amina" and demanded immediate release from captivity four Tunisian activists of FEMEN. Recall that at the moment passes judgment on the Tunisian activist Amina, she could face five years in prison for antiislamist protest. At 12:00 the three activists FEMEN, who yesterday staged a topless diversion in support of Amina, will face the prosecutor of Tunisia, which should make them a sentence.

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Video source via RT: Топлес-акцией в Брюсселе FEMEN поддержали задержанных в Тунисе активисток

В столице Евросоюза у здания посольства Туниса прошла акция в поддержку четырёх участниц движения FEMEN, ранее задержанных полицией Туниса. Об этом сообщила лидер женского движения Анна Гуцол.

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