Get out of our vaginas!

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FEMEN sextremists in the building of the Spanish Parliament disrupted speech of the Minister of Justice, a Catholic sectarian Alberto Gallardón.

Today in Madrid topless FEMEN sextremists have disrupted the working session of the Catholic Spanish Parliament for its intention to ban abortion. "Get out of my vagina!" this message was addressed to politicians and Catholic institutions in Spain and, in particular, to the Minister of Justice Alberto Gallardón, who is the chief lobbyist for the law banning abortion. Topless attack on the Spanish parliament, was the beginning of FEMEN- campaign against the law to ban abortions in Spain.

An active participant in the religious sect "Opus Dei", the Minister Alberto Gallardón, has decided to legislate their false morals Catholic women of Spain, the law banning abortion in all cases except "in the case of rape", and "risk to the mother's life".

Catholic institutions in collaboration with the government trying to impose the rules of "holiness" in the everyday life of Spanish women and want to have full control over their body.

FEMEN requires a retreat from the Spanish Parliament to discuss amendments to the law on abortion. FEMEN requires the government to work to improve the social and political sphere of the country, but not in the women's vaginas. FEMEN appeals to religious groups in Spain with the council to keep within their churches and meeting rooms for sectarian, and not try to influence the political decisions of the country.

Get out of my vagina!

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